Since 1996 Robin Richardson has been a director of the Insted consultancy (, specialising in equality and diversity in education. 

Previously he was director of the Runnymede Trust ( and before that had been chief inspector for education in a London borough, adviser for multicultural education in a shire authority, and director of a curriculum development project in world studies and development education.

His publications over the years include Learning for Change in World Society (1976), Daring to be a Teacher (1990), In Praise of Teachers (2002), Holding Together: equalities, difference and cohesion (2009) and Changing Life Chances: projects and endeavours in schools (2012). 

Also he has been the editor or co-editor of several publications on Islamophobia and British Muslims, including Islamophobia: a challenge for us all (1997), Young, Muslim and Citizen: identity, empowerment and change (2010), and Pointing the Finger: Islam and Muslims in the British media (2011). 

In the period 2005–10 he worked frequently as a consultant for the Department for Education on aspects of equalities legislation. 

In 2013—15 he acted as drafting editor and consultant for the report of the Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life, chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss.

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