Welcome to Diversity Voices. Put simply this is where you'll find a curated selection of inspiring, motivational and thought provoking interviews with those as passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion as we are.
"As the organisation digs deeper for inclusion, the structure of the organisation may need to adapt to a new way of operating."
"I have the privilege of learning and evolving continuously, but over the past couple of years, a few key areas have particularly influenced and reshaped my thinking."
"At times it feels as if it's more about preventing reputational damage rather than actually making a real difference."
"Real diversity and inclusion in the main is driven from the top and it helps for there to be clear understanding of what motivates those key influencers in the organisation."
"Leaders kickstart change and shape culture. They hold the key to embedding permanent, positive culture change."
"Keeping employees engaged with opportunities to challenge and contribute is vital."
"There needs to be much more of an emphasis on why diversity is crucial to business (the business case) and behaviours that people should exhibit to create inclusive cultures."
"We can spend a huge amount of time and energy increasing the diversity of our workforce, but if the culture or practices of an organisation are not inclusive then they will lose that diverse workforce over time."
"A business has to be ready to twist again, to open up employee engagement, to be brave and ask questions."
"The employer wants to do their best by their employee but simply have no knowledge or awareness of how to do that."
"There are many too who think issues of e.g. racism and sexism have gone away, this sadly is part of a prejudiced culture."