IEDP, 15 June 2012
The 2012 AGM was held at 3:00 pm on Friday 15th June 2012 at the offices of Stewarts Law LLP, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF.
The discussion focused on the Institute's response to the Government's recent announcement on so-called ‘red tape’. The main speaker wasArpita Dutt, a partner at StewartsLaw LLP whose background is in discrimination law. Arpita gave a presentation on the government consultations around possible changes to the Equality Act (EA) 2010. This focused on two main areas:
The reversal of the introduction in the EA of the possibility of tribunals being able to make general recommendations to employers (rather than just recommendations relating to individual employees as was previously the case)
The abolition of the questionnaire procedure that was introduced in the 1970s.
Arpita pointed out that tribunals had so far not made much use of their ability to make general recommendations. Also although the questionnaire procedure could be considered quite time-consuming, employers already have the right not to respond to questions on the grounds that they are too onerous.
6th February 2012: Taking Equality Forward
This seminar was cancelled due to adverse weather.
6th September 2011: The Equality Act – What’s new and different?
These are challenging times for everyone. But for those of us who work in and/or are committed to equality in the UK there are tremendous opportunities to use the new Equality Act 2010 to advance equality. But first we need to ensure we know what the law says and how to make best use of it. Institute of Equality and Diversity Practitioners are putting on a programme of training on important aspects of the Act for practitioners, those of us who advise and support organisations implement equality whether in the public private or Third sectors.
Facilitator: Mary-Ann Nossent
Venue: Brighton
22nd July 2011: Annual General Meeting
The third AGM of the IEDP was held at 2.00 on 22nd July at The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge, London, SE1 7PB.
Guest speaker – Michael Rubenstein, publisher Equal Opportunities Review.
14th March 2011: Briefing on the new Public Sector Equality Duty - Business as usual or all change?
This briefing was delivered just before the Public Sector Equality Duty came into effect in April 2011. The new duty places a legal obligation on public authorities and commercial and third sector business providing ‘public functions’ or in receipt of public funds to have ‘due regard’ to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.
The main goal of the Public Sector Equality Duty is to embed equality into the day to day work of public authorities and deliver tangible equality outcomes, through proactive action.
The Institute’s briefing, delivered by Linda Bellos, OBE, EDHR and Dianna Yach, Ionann Management Consultants Ltd, examined what the new duty means in practice; it looked at similarities with the existing three equality duties (race, disability and gender) and key changes, including the enlarged scope of the duty which now applies to a wider range of protected characteristics, along with the more stringent evidence requirements relating to equality objective setting and equality analysis of the effects of policies, practices and decisions.
This briefing was aimed at all those working with the public sector equality duties, Board champions, managers, Equality and Diversity, HR and social inclusion advisors.
Time: 9.30 to 1.00
Venue: National Grid, 4th Floor, Grand Buildings, 1 -- 3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH
Cost:£175 per delegate or £125 for IEDP members
27th September 2010: Embedding Equality into Procurement
The Equality Act 2010 requires public sector bodies to deliver equality outcomes through their procurement process. To win public sector contracts, private sector businesses and third sector organisations must follow suit. All businesses want more than legal compliance; they want to deliver their best offers and expand their marketplaces.
This conference emphasised how to carry out practical interventions, bringing to life the opportunities and challenges of embedding equality, diversity and human rights into procurement from buyer and supplier perspectives.
Guest speakers:
Alison Pritchard - Head of Strategy, Government Equalities Office
James Wright - Partner, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
Professor Monder Ram OBE - Director, Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) at De Montfort University
Alan Butt - Scheme Manager, West Midlands Forum for Equalities
Time: 9.30 to 4.00
Venue: Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, 35 Vine Street London EC3N 2PX
Cost:IEDP members: £75 + VAT; Non-members: £175 + VAT
12th July 2010: Annual General Meeting
The second AGM of the IEDP was held at 2.00 on 22nd July at The Abbey Centre, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BU.